Aircraft Reliability Systems – Understanding the Maths Workshop – 2 Days, Bangkok Thailand

Duration: 2 Days
 661 (€735) Early Bird discount is active for registrations and payments made before 11 October 2024
 Don Muang Airport, Bangkok, at the MJets facilities
Dates: 07-08.11.2024
Price: 735 Euro


Reliability can be about far more than simply maintaining Maintenance Programme (MP) effectiveness and reliability. Data collected through the reliability analysis process can be used to support the optimization of the maintenance process.

The purpose of a reliability program is to ensure that the aircraft maintenance program tasks are effective and their periodicity is adequate, in addition, the reliability program may result in the escalation, or deletion of a maintenance task, as well as the de-escalation or addition of a maintenance task.

A reliability program may either be a part of the aircraft maintenance program (AMP) or an independent program on its own, with suitable references in the AMP. Continuing Airworthiness regulations per EASA member states or third country requirements generally define these responsibilities and we know that operators are ultimately responsible and therefore accountable for the airworthiness of their aircraft. EASA & third country regulators always require the inclusion of a reliability programme for an operator of large aircraft and/or when the Maintenance program is based on Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Logic or on condition monitoring.

This intensive 2-day workshop will explain in detail and raise awareness regarding the management, oversight, and methodologies involved in Aircraft Reliability Systems.

Who is the Course for?

This course is aimed at Quality Assurance staff required to audit the Reliability process, and CAMO staff involved in managing the Maintenance or Reliability programs. It is also suitable for other staff with specific general interests.

What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn?

A detailed range of demonstrations and mathematical exercises are designed to provide the delegate with:

– A basic knowledge of statistical analysis, and how these principles are applied to reliability data.

– Using worked examples and raw reliability data, understand & apply the mathematical calculations associated with aviation reliability.

– Provide guidance and interpretation with regard to data and findings drawn from calculated results.

– Guidelines on how to use Standard & Alert Level Deviation principles to set Upper Control Limits.

– A demonstration of various forms of data display & reporting that are employed by the typical large aircraft operator with a view to AMP enhancement & optimization.

Detailed Content / Topics – The following Subjects will be addressed

Day 1 – The Mathematics Behind Aircraft Reliability

Probability Basics
Descriptive Statistics
Charts & Graphs
Tabular Displays
Probability Laws
Introduction to Sample Theory
The basics of distribution
Discrete (Poisson Distribution Overview)
Continuous Distribution
Normal Distribution
Standard Normal
Estimation Theory
Mean Scores
Data Collection
Sample Planning

Day 2 – The Mathematics Behind Aircraft Reliability

Calculating Arithmetic Mean
Calculating Standard Deviation – Population & Sample
Setting Standard Deviation (68% 95% and 99%)
Use of Mean & Standard Deviation to set the UCL (Mean + 1SD, Mean + 2SD, etc..)
Identifying & Managing False Alerts
Determining Confidence levels, intervals, etc.
Rate of Failure;
Mean Time to Failure (MTTF);
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF);
Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals (MTBUR)
Mean Time To Removal (MTTR)
Chance of Failure

Each of the above topics will be accompanied by work examples and demonstrations, together with practical exercises that will augment the delegate’s understanding of mathematics.

Target groups

Quality Assurance staff is required to audit the Reliability process, and CAMO staff is involved in managing the Maintenance or Reliability programs. Other staff with specific general interests.


A background in an aviation airworthiness environment.

Learning Objectives

A reliability program provides an appropriate means of monitoring the effectiveness of the maintenance program. This training covers all elements required to ensure you achieve the maximum benefit from your Reliability Program, whilst augmenting the delegate’s understanding of the mathematics employed by a wide range of aircraft reliability software systems.

Certificate Wording

An introduction and application of statistical principles, in terms of mathematical probability, Sampling, Distribution, and Estimation Theories, Standard and Alert Level Deviation, Analysis & Interpretation, and Presenting & reporting reliability data.  Additionally, the delegate also undertook a review of a typical Aviation Reliability Programme and the mathematical formulas behind it. 

What do People Say About Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“If we hadn’t understood something, the instructor would always explain it to us again.”
“The instructor is an extremely knowledgeable person.”
“I am fully satisfied with the course structure.”
“The instructor explained very well and with enthusiasm the subject matter.”
“The form of the training was excellent and in sync with the needs of the trainees.”


2 Days – Each training day will start at 09.00 and finish at 17.00 with appropriate refreshment breaks.

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Course Details

Start Date: November 07, 2024

End Date: November 08, 2024

735 Euro

Bangkok, Thailand

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